You must telling us the colors you want for your handmade handbags as well as any other details. The order form below tells us only the size, model and quantity of fabric handbags you need. See the previous page for more examples of colors and photos of fashion handbags. Thai Baht prices prevail. US dollar prices are subject to change without notice.
Handbags Size | Purse Model width x height x thickness |
Handbag Detail | Wholesale Handbags Price |
large | 15” x 8” x 4” 395 gm packaged |
US$34 |
large | (almost square) 15” x 11” x 4” 395 gm packaged |
large | 14.5” (top) x 8” x 4” 395 gm packaged |
large | 15” x 8” x 4” 395 gm packaged |
large | (almost square) 15” x 11” x 4” 395 gm packaged |
large | 15” x 13” x 2.5” 395 gm packaged |
medium | 13” x 8” x 2.5” 345 gm packaged |
US$31 |
medium | 15” x 6.5” x 4” 345 gm packaged |
US$31 |
small | 11” x 6” x 2.5” 310 gm packaged |
US$31 |
small | 11” x 6” x 2.5” 310 gm packaged |
US$31 |
small | 11” x 6” x 3” embroidered 180 gm packaged |
US$25 |
Purses weigh about 150-400 grams. Hard packaging using a box increases weight substantially. Soft packaging costs about 54% less. Pay for insured AirMail delivery here AFTER being notified of postage. |