Frequently asked question about Thai silk vs silk from other countries!

Royal blue & black Thai silk enlarged 1,000% is background


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Silk FAQ 7:
What is the difference between
Thai silk and silk from other countries?

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Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, royal blue pure Thai Silk
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Thai silk yarn is usually soft but has a relatively coarse texture with uneven, slightly knotty threads. This quality makes it extremely suitable for weaving by hand. Thai silk has a magnificent, rich, exotic beauty and, with proper care, can last a century or more.

Chinese silk tends to be smooth and satiny. Indian silk tends to be softer but more crinkly and uses richer colors. Italian silk tends to strive for a refined and elegant look but this can easily be accomplished anywhere using mechanized weaving.



Click on your choice of silk color or click here for mudmee patterns
Smooth, soft, hand woven, smoke ray, dark gray, grey Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, light grey, gray, silver pure Thai Silk! Crimson and black Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, two tone & hand woven! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, dark, reddish brown Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, dark orange and black Thai Silk! Maroon and pink Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, two tone & hand woven! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, dark orange and black Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, rust orange, beige, cream, rose pure Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, bright pink Thai Silk! Orange and magenta Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, & hand woven! Light orange Thai silk - two tone, 100% pure, smooth, soft, & hand woven! Natural dye, smooth, soft, hand woven, cream, beige pure Thai Silk Beige, light green, natural dye Thai silk - 100% pure, smooth, soft, two tone & hand woven! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, green, pea green, yellow green, pure Thai Silk! Grass greenThai silk - two-tone, 100% pure, smooth, soft, & hand woven! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, turquoise, cyan, green pure Thai Silk! Marine blue and cyan - two tone, 100% pure, smooth, soft, & hand woven! Navy blue Thai silk - two tone, 100% pure, smooth, soft, & hand woven! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven blue pure Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, royal blue, black pure Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, bright magenta, pink pure Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, fuchsia, magenta, deep pink pure Thai Silk! Smooth, soft, two-tone, hand woven, light pink pure Thai Silk!
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