Thai silk fabric hand woven violet mudmee pattern!


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Homespun, Handwoven, Ikat Mudmee Violet, Yellow, Green Thai Silk Form for Ordering Without Credit Card

Smooth, homespun, hand woven, 1-ply, violet, green, yellow ikat mudmee pattern #0160 pure Thai Silk
previous Mudmee pattern informationMudmee pattern pure Thai silk hand woven by women using navy blue, purple, orange, and violet threads! Stunning! next






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I want:
  traditional, fixed-size piece of homespun, hand woven mudmee ikat pattern #0160 360 x 90 cm (141.7'' x 35.4'') [3.94 yards -- about 2 yards pattern and 2 yards solid color] @ US$40
  Homespun, mudmee ikat pattern #0160 hand-woven-to-order @ US$13.00/yard
I want my silk treated before shipping (US$1.00/yard)

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Shipping cost is NOT included in price.


Notable Quote: “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

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